[typed string0=”Aaannnd I missed March 10th -.-… I\’ll try to do two blog posts today! ” typeSpeed=”40″ startDelay=”0″ backSpeed=”40″ backDelay=”500″]
More Control Schemes Options
We finally enabled multiple control schemes!
Of the three most requested control schemes by our players are:
- Arrows (casual mode),
- Gamepad(hardcore mode)
- Gyroscope(casual mode)

The feature is till being worked out as some gameplay elements have evolved for “Arrows” only mode. As you can see it was all about three buttons. Direction: left/right and backing up.
Here is the default “Arrows” mode…..

The vehicle automatically accelerated if the back arrow button wasn’t pressed. This is the most popular and accessible option yet we always felt the scorn of other users who wanted more flavors to control the vehicles in the game.
Gamepad Mode

In the gamepad mode, we definitely are dealing with a more granular experience. A you can see the car can twist and do more complex turns. The human player can now control the timing and how the cops will follow them, allow movable traffic to hit them at the right time of their choosing. This definitely is for more seasoned players, hence the “hardcore mode” description on it. I personally go between “Arrows” and “Gamepad” because as much as the latter gives more control, the “Arrows” is easier and keeps my lazy quota up when I’m playing the game :p
The camera was slightly readjusted as the buttons were hiding the vehicle. The goal is to maximize viewing space for what’s coming in following updates 😉
Gyroscope Mode
This one inherits a lot from the “Arrows” mode. Both Right/Left are attached to the device’s gyroscope and breaks/reversing is done through the down button on the screen. I’m cleaning up the algorithm in order to be as smooth as possible (think steering wheel). Maybe a video right before the update goes public release…..
SMASH or PASS those Obstacles!
After much deliberation, I decided to make the obstacles “breakable”. The issue, we had were stuck vehicles which added too much friction to the player. The vehicles still incur a full stop on their momentum which is more than enough to keep the human players motivated to not blindly drive. I’m still tweaking the sounds, in order to keep it entertaining without falling into the annoying factor. The debris are quite generic but I will make them more customized to what you’re hitting… as well as the sound effects ( a little perf hit for more uniqueness ).

Progress progress but my focus is to “research” in order to arrive to something fun and entertaining!!! Stay tuned… we’re forever getting close 😉