I’ve spent the better part of the day trying various solutions to best implement the gyroscope control scheme in RunawayJRider…

I’ve had a few experiences with various gyroscopes throughout the years but steering….. hmmmm that’s a tricky one. At least not from the onset… actually let me rephrase… my first instinct was the eventual solution. Getting the forces applied on the device and using them to increment/decrement an angle value… but that seemed too easy.

Continue Reading "When In Gyroscope Accelerate"
[typed string0=”Aaannnd I missed March 10th -.-… I\’ll try to do two blog posts today! ” typeSpeed=”40″ startDelay=”0″ backSpeed=”40″ backDelay=”500″]

More Control Schemes Options

We finally enabled multiple control schemes!

Of the three most requested control schemes by our players are:

  • Arrows (casual mode),
  • Gamepad(hardcore mode)
  • Gyroscope(casual mode)
Continue Reading "Controls Schemes & Smash/Pass Obstacles!"
[typed string0=”Yikes I missed yesterday\’s blog! I blame errands, but will improve on consistency :0 ” typeSpeed=”40″ startDelay=”0″ backSpeed=”40″ backDelay=”500″]

Increased Playground

RunawayJRider is ever evolving and this iteration we’re taking it to a more expansive territory. First thing in order is to increase the play area, namely width of the lanes. The task was supposed to be manual in nature, but as a good lazy programmer, I decided to tag the elements furthest from the center as “boundary” which are dynamically distanced through a variable. This has the benefit of dynamically controlling the play area. We use a dictionary type variable on objects so we can scale as per requirements without too much over engineering.

Continue Reading "Increased Levels and Gameplay Experimentation"

[typed string0=”Alright, what a wordy title! :)” typeSpeed=”20″ startDelay=”0″ backSpeed=”40″ backDelay=”500″]

I’m going to get back to daily blogging (cross my fingers here… hard!)

RunawayJRider Gameplay Adds

The game has taken a huge improvement boost after hiring some art consultants and other “product polishers” 🙂

That being said, there’s much more work to be done in terms of improving gameplay! More game mechanics and making sure they’re balanced in order to keep the dopamine flow at an optimum level 😉

Continue Reading "Back To Blogging and C# Mono Runtime Engine Integration"

We’ve all seen this scene yet some crazy ones among us have wondered about possible implementations of such technology. At the time, there were no concepts of machine learning or in my case, understanding of basic neuron operations and how those lead to patterns which in turn could possibly model voice and visual (re)creation.

Continue Reading "VertoPellis (“Shape Shifting”) Technology… Inception!"

In preparation of subsequent blogs about my research in machine learning.

An overview of the project.

vertō (“‘turn’”) + pellis ( “hide”) is Latin for Shapeshifter / Werewolf.

As its name denotes, it is a system that can mimic a sentient being starting with its voice and then visual features. It learns and assimilates from all types of relevant content. This can be but is not limited to phonic and visional content.

The grand vision is that it can be fed images, videos, and audio files of a subject and it would learn to mimic said subject through voice, visual etc.

Continue Reading "VertoPellis (“Shape Shifting”) Presentation"


The Agile Method is a tool and nothing more or less. It is not an opinion, but just a tool. To understand this tool, one must first establish the context. More often then not, tools are meta-solutions to problems. They aid in forming the solution, but are not the solution itself. Since the introduction of technology, we’ve inherited rigid processes from

Continue Reading "On Agile and Technology Evolving Software Development Processes"

Scripting languages offer the comfort of automatic type inference. The way we approached this in our own scripting language
was by having meta-data alongside memory containing the data.

*A few commenters recommended unions. Although interesting, we prefered to extend the enum variables and keep the pointer variable flexible, instead of extending the struct with new types.

Languages that auto-magically infer the type from what you populate
the object with like Javascript, Python and Lua, store meta-data about
your data. This meta-data is used to allow the correct operations to happen
on said objects.

Continue Reading "Auto Typing in C(++)"

How I stumbled upon Blitz3D

Growing up, one of my favorite coding languages and platforms was Blitz3D.

Blitz3D is part of the Blitz language family which was used in the Amiga platform. Open-sourcing of the latter, enabled grassroots efforts to emerge, and from this wave, a New Zealand company called Blitz Research Ltd,  launched Blitz3D.

During that time I was exhausting VisualBasic and getting bored of reverse engineering videos games on the Dreamcast/Playstation/PSP.

When I started getting into game development, Blitz3D presented a platform and a rich bustling community that allowed me to learn quickly while exchanging expertise and ideas.

I met many mentors and friends that I still keep in touch with today!

So I was plenty surprised when Blitz3D went open source a few months back!

Continue Reading "Pre-Code Review Excavation of Blitz3D"