The envisioned modernization of political discourse through source control technology beckons the conundrum of integrating existing laws and legislative history into this novel framework. Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a formidable ally in this endeavor, offering a bridge between the analog past and the digital present. Here’s an exploration of how AI can facilitate this transition: 1. Document Digitization and Structuring: 2. Semantic Analysis: 3. Audio/Video Processing: 4. Automated Linking: 5. Public Engagement Enhancement: 6. Predictive Analysis: 7. Accessibility: The infusion of AI in the…Continue Reading “Bridging Past and Present: AI as the Harbinger of Legislative Continuity”

[typed string0=”One of our flagship products is getting the multiplayer treatment!” typeSpeed=”40″ startDelay=”0″ backSpeed=”40″ backDelay=”500″]

We’re definitely not close to done……. (hold your horses)

Quick documentation of how we’ve made certain decisions to add this feature as quickly as possible.

Continue Reading "Multiplayer Procedural Challenges & Convolving Feature Spaces"

In preparation of subsequent blogs about my research in machine learning.

An overview of the project.

vertō (“‘turn’”) + pellis ( “hide”) is Latin for Shapeshifter / Werewolf.

As its name denotes, it is a system that can mimic a sentient being starting with its voice and then visual features. It learns and assimilates from all types of relevant content. This can be but is not limited to phonic and visional content.

The grand vision is that it can be fed images, videos, and audio files of a subject and it would learn to mimic said subject through voice, visual etc.

Continue Reading "VertoPellis (“Shape Shifting”) Presentation"