From my earliest days of graphics programming I’ve often overlooked the powers of the dot product. Often presented as a way to find the angle between two vectors, I believe the latter is an understatement as it can be used for so much more. A primitive to more complex calculations and models.
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I’m going to get back to daily blogging (cross my fingers here… hard!)
RunawayJRider Gameplay Adds
The game has taken a huge improvement boost after hiring some art consultants and other “product polishers” 🙂
That being said, there’s much more work to be done in terms of improving gameplay! More game mechanics and making sure they’re balanced in order to keep the dopamine flow at an optimum level 😉
Continue Reading "Back To Blogging and C# Mono Runtime Engine Integration"How I stumbled upon Blitz3D
Growing up, one of my favorite coding languages and platforms was Blitz3D.
Blitz3D is part of the Blitz language family which was used in the Amiga platform. Open-sourcing of the latter, enabled grassroots efforts to emerge, and from this wave, a New Zealand company called Blitz Research Ltd, launched Blitz3D.
During that time I was exhausting VisualBasic and getting bored of reverse engineering videos games on the Dreamcast/Playstation/PSP.
When I started getting into game development, Blitz3D presented a platform and a rich bustling community that allowed me to learn quickly while exchanging expertise and ideas.
I met many mentors and friends that I still keep in touch with today!
So I was plenty surprised when Blitz3D went open source a few months back!
Continue Reading "Pre-Code Review Excavation of Blitz3D"At Poez Inc. we had to upgrade our projects from 32bit to 64bit in memory address width to run on some Operating Systems and be as future proof as possible. As expected this did not go as smooth….
Introduction to different ways of representing 3-Dimensional information (3D).ÂÂ
Continue Reading "Current State of 3D Representation"I’ve been doing a study on the process of 3d continuous worlds being rasterized to a discrete 2d surface, this is basically what graphic cards do at the hardware level. I will be writting in Javascript as it is definitely not meant for speed, but for understanding and sharing of the knowledge.
Continue Reading "3D Engine and 2D Rasterization Study"A new technology that didn’t cut it to the game due to delays in buffer creation and recreation which defeats its very own purpose of reducing rendering latency. Khronos Group should optimize Framebuffer creation at the very least.
Continue Reading "Adaptive Resolution"